What if my business insurance company won't list additional insured agencies? Where can I get insurance to cover my business and additional insured entities while vending at King of the Motos or King of the Hammers?

What if my business insurance company won't list additional insured agencies? Where can I get insurance to cover my business and additional insured entities while vending at King of the Motos or King of the Hammers?

  • After you've become an approved and contracted vendor for King of the Motos or King of the Hammers through Hammerking Productions, Inc., you will be asked to provide proof of insurance during the permit process before arriving onsite. Often times, the proof of insurance form must also list additional insured entities such as the Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior, Department of Defense, United States Marine Corp., United States of America, and/or Hammerking Productions, Inc. You will be advised during vendor contracting/permitting as to any additional insured entities that must be listed. 
  • After you've become an approved and contracted vendor for King of the Motos or King of the Hammers through Hammerking Productions, Inc., if your insurance company will not issue the required insurance and/or additional insureds, you may contact https://www.kandkinsurance.com/ to try and obtain insurance as they have advised they will provide the needed insurance and additional insureds. 
  • After you've become an approved and contracted vendor for King of the Motos or King of the Hammers through Hammerking Productions, Inc., if you have any BLM permit or insurance questions, please contact roxy@kingofthehammers.com.